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Best Plants for a Children’s Garden

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10 Best Plants for a Children’s Garden

If you’re looking for a great outdoor activity that your children can enjoy, let them grow a garden. To help your kids get interested in gardening and growing their own food, choose some of these best plants for a children’s garden.

Why Children Should Grow a Garden

Mother gardening with son

Gardening offers a variety of amazing benefits that everyone can enjoy, especially children. Not only is gardening a good opportunity for kids to learn about plants and how they grow, but it also makes it easier for them to eat healthy.

And that’s not all. Studies have shown that children who garden get higher scores in science, get more physical activity, have less anxiety, and have improved moods.

Some fruits and vegetables require special care that make them a little harder to grow. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the best plants for a children’s garden.

1. Lettuce

Black seeded lettuce

Lettuce is one of the best plants for a children’s garden because it’s quick to grow and doesn’t need a lot of sun. It’s also really fun to go right into your backyard to pick your salad.

If you want to naturally repel pests and make your lettuce taste better, be sure to check out this post on the best companion plants for lettuce.

Related: Essential Tools for Every Gardener

2. Beans

Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean

Beans are a great option for kids because they’re quick and simple to grow. They’re also an excellent choice if you happen to have a shady garden because they’re one of the best vegetables that grow in shade.

They like to climb, so make sure you have a trellis set up for them. This also makes it easy for kids to harvest the beans when they’re ready.

When you’re deciding which type of bean to get for your children’s garden, you have two options. Pole beans produce later but bear over a longer period of time, and bush beans produce earlier but have a shorter harvest period.

Related: How Long Can You Store Seeds?

3. Snap Peas

Sugar Snap Peas Seed Packet

Snap peas are another fast-growing crop that are one of the best plants for a children’s garden. Kids love picking snap peas and eating them straight off the vine (after they’re washed, of course). It’s also really easy to save some peas as seeds to plant next year.

Related: The Best Gardening Subscription Boxes

4. Cherry Tomatoes

Sweetie Cherry Tomato

One of the first plants my son grew by himself was a cherry tomato plant. Each evening, it was his job to go outside and pick a few tomatoes off his plant so we could have them with dinner. To this day he’s so proud to let you know that you’re eating “his” tomatoes.

If you need a plant that can handle the heat of summer, go with cherry tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes are great for a children’s garden because they’re sweet, bright, and colorful.

Don’t forget that the branches of a tomato plant tend to get heavy when they’re full of fruit, so you’ll need to get a tomato cage to give the plant some support.

Related: Should You Use a Garden Hose Water Filter?

5. Radishes

Cherry Belle Radish

Radishes are great for children’s gardens because they’re not the least bit fussy. Have plenty of sun? That’s OK. In area with a lot of shade? That’s not a problem either. Radishes will grow pretty much anywhere you plant them.

They’re also a speedy grower, which makes them one of the best fast growing vegetables for a quick harvest. In fact, these radishes will start sprouting in 5 days, and they’re ready to eat in just 25 days.

Related: The Best Kid-Safe Organic Weed Killers

6. Carrots

Baby Little Finger Carrots

Not only are carrots one of the best plants for a children’s garden, but they’re also one of the best plants for a container garden. That’s because carrots need soil that’s free of rocks so they can grow downward uninterrupted.

If you’re picking out carrots for your kids’ garden, consider these mini carrots. Since they’re smaller, they have a crisp bite and sweet flavor that kids (and adults) love.

Related: The Best Cold-Hardy Vegetables for Your Winter Garden

7. Zucchini

Summer Emerald Zucchini

Zucchini makes a great plant for a children’s garden for two main reasons. First, they’re one of the best plants for beginner gardeners because they’re so easy to grow. Second, there are so many different zucchini recipes out there that it’s a simple way for kids to eat more vegetables.

8. Potatoes

Kids love growing potatoes because when it’s time to harvest them, it’s like digging for treasure. Plus, freshly dug potatoes taste a million times better than what you buy at the store.

To make it a little easier for your kids to grow and harvest their potatoes, consider planting them in a 10-gallon grow bag.

9. Cucumbers

Spacemaster Cucumber

Whether your kids like eating fresh cucumbers or they prefer pickles, they’ll love growing their own. While most cucumbers are classified as either pickling or slicing varieties, you can use these Spacemaster cucumbers for both.

To help you kids grow straighter and cleaner cucumbers that don’t take up too much space, set up a trellis as soon as they sow the seeds. This also makes it easier for kids to pick the cucumbers.

10. Pumpkins

Jack Be Little Pumpkins

What children’s garden is complete without some pumpkins growing in it? Since pumpkin seeds are nice and big, they’re easy for kids to handle and plant all by themselves.

There’s no better way to make your Halloween more eco-friendly than to grow your own jack-o’-lantern. You can then save some seeds for future planting, bake the rest for a great snack, and use the meat to make pumpkin pie.

Keep in mind that pumpkin vines like to travel, so you’ll need some space for them to grow. If you don’t have a ton of extra room in your garden, consider growing some miniature pumpkins since they have more compact vines.

Mini pumpkins are also ideal for your eco-friendly Thanksgiving celebrations because they make lovely decorations.

Best Plants for a Children’s Garden

If you want your kids to eat more vegetables, have a better appreciation for the planet, and enjoy a healthy and physical outdoor activity, gardening is the perfect solution. To make sure your kids’ garden is successful, be sure to choose some of these best plants for a children’s garden.

More Eco-Friendly Living Tips

Now that you have some ideas on the best plants for a children’s garden, are you interested in even more great tips about eco-friendly living? Then be sure to check out a few of these other popular posts:

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Boy watering plant text overlay Get Your Kids Gardening 10 Best Plants
Boy digging in garden text overlay 10 Best Plants for a Children's Garden
Child in garden text overlay 10 Easy Vegetables Your Children Will Love to Grow