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How to Make DIY Hand Sanitizer

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How to Make DIY Hand Sanitizer

With diseases like the cold and flu in the headlines lately, you might be taking extra precautions to keep your family safe and healthy. If your local stores have sold out of hand sanitizer or you’re worried about the chemicals used in them, you have a better solution: DIY hand sanitizer.

This homemade hand sanitizer is easy to make, only requires a few simple ingredients, and is safe for everyone in the family.

If you’re looking for an effortless way to naturally fight a cold and other illnesses, discover how to make this DIY hand sanitizer.

Hidden Dangers of Store-Bought Hand Sanitizer

While store-bought hand sanitizers are a convenient way to get your hands clean when you don’t have access to soap and water, they can also contain some hidden dangers.

Many non-alcohol hand sanitizers (and even some soaps) have an antibiotic compound called triclosan. Even though triclosan is an antibacterial and antifungal agent, it’s something that the FDA has told manufacturers to stop using.

First, while triclosan kills a significant number of bacteria, the ones it leaves behind are those resistant to antibiotics — otherwise known as “super bugs.” These super bugs then reproduce and create even more super bugs that can’t be treated with antibiotics, and we’re suddenly left with strains of bacteria we can’t treat.

Other studies are investigating the link between triclosan and skin cancer and whether triclosan is a hormone disruptor in children and adults.

Related: The Toxic Secrets Hiding in Your Cleaning Products

Basically, triclosan isn’t something you want around your family, and it’s not a necessary ingredient when you want to make a homemade hand sanitizer. Instead, here’s what you need to make a safe and effective DIY hand sanitizer.

How to Make Homemade Hand Sanitizer

Hand cupping small bottle of homemade hand sanitizer

DIY Hand Sanitizer Ingredients

DIY Hand Sanitizer Directions

  1. In the mixing bowl, use the spoon to stir together the rubbing alcohol and aloe vera gel.
  2. Mix in 8 to 10 drops of your preferred essential oils. This is an optional step to give your hand sanitizer a pleasing scent.
  3. Pour the homemade hand sanitizer into the pump container to leave at your house or office, and pour some hand sanitizer into the travel container so you can take it with you when you go out.

Important Notes About This Hand Sanitizer

Be sure to follow these measurements exactly. To ensure your hand sanitizer is effective, the CDC recommends it should contain at least 60% alcohol content. With these proportions, the alcohol content in this mixture will be 60.6%. If you want a higher alcohol content, reduce the aloe vera gel to 1/4 cup.

While it’s possible to use a homemade aloe vera gel in your hand sanitizer, I recommend using a commercial product with preservatives that can significantly extend the shelf life of the hand sanitizer.

It’s important to note that alcohol will dry out your skin. After all, I use rubbing alcohol in my homemade laminate floor cleaner because it dries so quickly it leaves behind a streak-free shine. While this is great for getting my floors clean, it’s not so great for my skin.

Related: 6 Rubbing Alcohol Mistakes to Avoid

That’s why you should use this hand sanitizer sparingly. If you get some mild irritation on your hands after using it, a moisturizing lotion can help.

Plus, don’t forget that hand-washing with eco-friendly soap is always more effective than hand sanitizer. You should only use this hand sanitizer when you don’t have access to soap and water.

If you need something that can also clean and disinfect your house, these homemade disinfecting wipes are a great option for hard surfaces and this DIY disinfectant spray is ideal for soft surfaces.

Also, don’t forget that you can shop for reusable face masks for your entire family when you check out these retailers. They have a variety of styles and sizes that will work for everyone.

Making Even More Eco-Friendly Beauty Products

Are you interested in even more amazing homemade beauty products? Then be sure to check out this Eco Beauty Products e-book!

Eco Beauty Products e-book cover

It’s becoming even clearer how much damage is being done to our health and the environment because of conventional beauty products. Fortunately, you can easily enjoy the same benefits that conventional beauty products offer but without the harm and waste with this Eco Beauty Products e-book.

Thanks to this e-book, you’ll learn why it’s so important to make the switch to eco-friendly beauty products, the cosmetic ingredients you should avoid at all costs, where to find cruelty-free beauty products, and more.

You’ll also discover how to make a variety of face masks, body lotions, and bath products using simple, natural ingredients that are better for you and the planet! Check it out today!

Best Essential Oils for Hand Sanitizer

The essentials oils are optional and simply add a nice fragrance to your hand sanitizer. However, if you want to give your hand sanitizer a little extra germ-fighting boost, these essential oils are known for their antibacterial and antimicrobial properties:

Making DIY Hand Sanitizer

If you’re in a pinch and need to clean your hands using hand sanitizer, you no longer have to rely on a store-bought product that can contain chemicals you don’t want around your family. Instead, you can use this DIY hand sanitizer to get your hands safely and effectively clean.

More Natural Living Tips

Now that you see how easy it is to make DIY hand sanitizer, are you interested in even more excellent natural living tips? Then be sure to check out some of our other popular posts:

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Bottle of hand sanitizer with text overlay How to Make Homemade Hand Sanitizer
Woman with hand sanitizer and text overlay How to Make DIY Hand Sanitizer
Person using bottle of hand sanitizer text overlay How to Make Homemade Hand Sanitizer