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How to Make a DIY Mattress Cleaner

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The Easy Way to Make a DIY Mattress Cleaner

Whether it’s from sweat, shedding skin cells, accidents, or spills, your mattress deals with a lot and needs cleaned from time to time. But you don’t have to turn to chemical mattress cleaners that are bad for your health. Instead, discover how to make a DIY mattress cleaner that can safely and effectively get rid of all types of stains.

Why You Need to Clean Your Mattress

If you have young kids, you know accidents are a given. But it’s not just bed-wetting accidents you have to worry about. Even the mattress you sleep on needs the occasional cleaning!

Related: The Best Eco-Friendly Mattress for Everyone in the Family

Every night when you sleep, you shed unwanted skin cells. These skin cells fall through your sheets and settle on your mattress. Dust mites love to eat these skin cells, so they’ll set up a whole colony and start eating and breeding as fast as they can.

Once they start eating skin cells, they can poop twice their body weight every day. And this happens on your mattress. Where you sleep every night. Yuck.

Dust mites aren’t the only unwanted things you can find in your mattress. Even if you keep your room cool at night, you’re bound to sweat when you sleep. Since this sweat ends up in a dark environment, it can increase the chances of mold growth on your mattress.

Plus, all the sweat and dead skin cells combine to make the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, which is definitely something you don’t want to share your bed with every night!

Related: How to Naturally Fall Asleep Without Using Medication

The Problem With Chemical Mattress Cleaners

The next time you take your sheets off your mattress to wash them, you might notice a few stains. But don’t reach for that chemical mattress cleaner. That’s because it’s filled with dangerous ingredients you don’t want to breathe in every night.

As an example, consider Resolve Multi-Fabric Upholstery Cleaner. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) gives this cleaner an “F” rating because of concerns about skin allergies and irritation, asthma and respiratory issues, developmental and reproductive toxicity, and environmental hazards.

Related: How to Make a DIY Carpet Cleaner That Actually Works

Here are just a few of the known ingredients in the cleaner that should worry you:

  • Acrylic Acid– Concerns about acute aquatic toxicity, respiratory effects, damage to vision, skin irritation, general organ effects.
  • Sodium Salts– Concerns about developmental and reproductive effects, respiratory effects, and skin irritation.
  • Methylchloroisothiazolinone– Concerns about acute aquatic toxicity, skin irritation, damage to DNA, and effects on the developmental and reproductive systems.
  • Methylisothiazolinone– Concerns about acute aquatic toxicity and skin irritation or damage.
  • Fragrance– A catch-all phrase manufacturers can use to hide hundreds of other potentially toxic ingredients.

Plus, these chemicals can emit fumes long after you’ve used them, which means you’re breathing them in for hours every single night.

Related: The One Secret Trick to Naturally Ease Into Sleep

How to Make a Homemade Mattress Cleaner

So now you understand why it’s important to clean your mattress. But you also realize you shouldn’t be using a chemical mattress cleaner. So what can you do? Check out how to make a homemade mattress stain remover!

This DIY mattress cleaner uses just a few simple and natural ingredients, yet it works like a charm to eliminate unsightly stains from your mattresses.



  1. Pour the hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and liquid Castile soap into a bowl. Mix thoroughly until the baking soda has completely dissolved.
  2. Use a funnel to pour the mixture into the glass spray bottle.
  3. Spray the entire stained area on the mattress and let the solution air dry for at least one hour.
  4. Repeat as necessary until the stain is gone.

Related: Genius Uses for Castile Soap Around Your Entire Home

Making Natural Cleaning Even Easier

I’m super passionate about using natural cleaning products because I think it’s such an easy way to quickly remove many dangerous toxins from our homes. But one of the biggest problems I kept running into when I first made the switch to DIY cleaning products was that I could never remember how to make what I needed.

That meant I had to stop what I was doing, pull out my laptop, find the recipes I needed, and then make my cleaning supplies. It was a pain and, quite honestly, a waste of time.

If you’re having the same problem, you’re in luck!

Natural cleaning recipe cards

This outstanding DIY cleaning product bundle comes with over 25 recipe cards and labels for natural cleaning products you can use around your entire home. It also includes a guide on my favorite essential oil cleaning blends and a cheat sheet on the natural cleaning ingredients you should never mix together.

Thanks to this bundle, you’ll have everything you need to make DIY natural cleaning products right at your finger tips. Then you can enjoy all of the amazing benefits of green cleaning your home the natural way!

How to Naturally Clean a Mattress

Once you make your DIY mattress stain remover, it’s time to clean your mattress. Follow these simple and effective steps to safely and naturally clean a mattress.

1. Wash the Sheets

Strip all of the bedding off your mattress and toss everything in the washing machine to get clean while you work.

Related: The Best Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergents for Naturally Clean Clothes

2. Vacuum the Mattress

Vacuum the top and sides of the mattress. Then flip the mattress (get someone’s help if it’s too heavy to lift on your own), and vacuum the underside and between the mattress and the box springs.

3. Sprinkle Baking Soda

To help eliminate odors from your mattress, add a few drops of lavender essential oil to 1 cup of baking soda and mix thoroughly. Put the mixture in a strainer and shake it evenly over the entire mattress. Leave the baking soda on the mattress until your sheets have finished washing and drying. Vacuum the baking soda off the mattress.

4. Clean Any Stains

After you vacuum the baking soda off the mattress, use your DIY mattress cleaner to remove any stains you might notice.

5. Remake Your Bed

Once your sheets and mattress are clean, you can remake your bed and enjoy sleeping on a mattress that smells great and is naturally clean!

Related: How to Turn Your Bedroom Into an Eco-Friendly Sanctuary for Sleep

Natural Mattress Cleaning Tips

Accidents and messes will happen on the bed, but you can prevent a lot of stains from occurring in the first place when you invest in a mattress cover. Here are some outstanding options that aren’t made with any dangerous ingredients that can emit toxic fumes while you sleep:

To prevent dead skin cells and dust mites from accumulating in your bed, aim to wash your sheets once a week and clean your mattress every 6 months. If you have the time, it’s even better if you can clean your mattress every 3 months.

The Best DIY Mattress Stain Remover

You want to make sure the place where you and your family sleep every night is fresh and safe. That’s why it’s important to have a clean mattress, and these tips on how to naturally clean a mattress can help.

Plus, if you notice some unsightly stains or odors on your mattress, you can use this DIY mattress cleaner to easily take care of them!

More Outstanding Eco-Friendly Tips

Did you enjoy learning how to make this easy DIY mattress cleaner? Are you interested in checking out even more awesome tips on eco-friendly living? Then please be sure to take a look at some of our other popular posts:

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Picture of person touching clean mattress with text overlay How to Make a DIY Mattress Stain Remover That's Insanely Effective
Picture of mattress with sheets and pillows with text overlay How to Naturally Clean a Mattress in Just 5 Easy Steps
Picture of mattress with sheets and pillows with text overlay How to Make a Homemade Mattress Cleaner Using Just 3 Natural Ingredients