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How to Make Seed Starter Pots

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How to Easily Make Seed Starter Pots

Seed starter pots are an important part of your gardening collection. Fortunately, you don’t have to go out and spend a ton of money on anything fancy because you already have what you need in your home. Discover how to make seed starter pots from toilet paper rolls so you can prepare to get your garden growing.

Why Seed Starting Pots Are Important

Seed starter pots offer a variety of important benefits. Many vegetables that are good for summer gardens and the best vegetables to plant in the sun need warmer temperatures to survive. If you plant them outside too early, they could die in chilly temperatures.

Related: How Long Can You Store Vegetable Seeds?

To solve this problem, gardeners will start their seeds inside by planting them in seed starter pots. These pots make it easy for seedlings to get the warm temperatures they need to start growing, and they make it simple for gardeners to transplant the seedlings when outside temperatures are warm enough.

Additionally, some seedlings have roots that are sensitive to disturbance. Since seed starter pots will simply break down in the soil, gardeners don’t have to worry about harming these delicate root systems.

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How to Make Seed Starter Pots From Toilet Paper Rolls

Now that you understand why seed starting pots are important, you’re probably ready to get started making your own so you can enjoy all the amazing benefits of gardening. Fortunately, it’s incredibly easy to make your own using a simple product you already have at home: toilet paper rolls!

Toilet paper rolls make great seed starter pots. While some eco-friendly toilet paper brands have switched to no rolls, most still come with some type of cardboard tube that will break down when planted in soil.

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Don’t forget, if you have extra toilet paper rolls and you don’t need more seed starting pots, you can also compost the rolls.

When you’re ready to make your own DIY seed starting pots, all you need to do is gather these materials and follow the simple directions.



Scissors and toilet paper roll

1. Use the scissors to cut the toilet paper roll in half.

2. At the bottom of each roll, cut four evenly spaced slits that are about a half-inch in length.

Scissors with two toilet paper rolls

3. Fold in each flap to create the bottom of the seed starter pot. It’s OK if there’s a hole between the flaps. This will help excess water drain out.

Toilet paper rolls with folded bottoms

4. Fill your new tube pots with seed starter soil.

Seeds in seed starter pots

5. In the center of each pot, create a shallow hole in the soil and place a seed in the hole. Cover the seed with soil, and lightly spritz the soil with water until it’s completely moistened.

Using Your Seed Starting Pots

One nice thing about these seed starting pots is that they’re so easy to put together they make a great craft for kids. If you have some young ones looking to start their own garden, have them create a few of these pots so they can grow some of these best vegetables for a children’s garden.

Another benefit that these seed starter pots offer is that you can grow all types of seedlings in them, including plants for raised bed gardens and vegetables for container gardens.

When your seedlings are ready to go outside, simply plant the seed starting pot in your soil like you normally do. Make sure the entire pot is in the soil. Any cardboard that sticks above the dirt can wick moisture away from the roots.

Since the pot is made from cardboard, it will naturally break down in the soil as your plant grows.

Do you need some inspiration for what to grow in your new seed starting pots? Then be sure to check out some of these great ideas:

More Eco-Friendly Living Tips

Now that you see how easy it is to make your own seed starter pots, are you interested in even more great eco-friendly living tips? Then don’t forget to take a look at these popular posts:

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Seed starter pots text overlay The Quick & Easy Way to Make Seed Starter Pots
Seed starter pots text overlay How to Make Seed Starter Pots
Seed starter pots with text overlay How to Make Homemade Seed Starter Pots