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The Easiest Way to Make Homemade Dusting Spray

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Homemade Dusting Spray

If you’re on a mission to live a more natural life, it’s important to focus on your cleaning supplies. To help get your home clean without turning to harmful chemicals, discover how easy it is to make homemade dusting spray.

What’s Wrong With Store-Bought Dusting Spray?

Although you might not give that can of dusting spray much thought, it can contain a number of hidden toxins that could be hurting your health and the health of your family. If you take a look at the ingredients in store-bought dusting spray, you might see some of the following:

Hexoxyethanol- Typically used as a solvent. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) gives this chemical an F because it has a high concern for skin allergies and irritation and some concern for developmental and reproductive toxicity.

Ethoxylated Alcohol- An emulsifier that the EWG gives a D because it has some concern for asthma and respiratory issues, skin allergies and irritation, developmental and reproductive toxicity, and cancer depending on the concentration.

Fragrance- Ahhh fragrance. It’s such a simple word. Yet companies have made it so they don’t have to disclose what they use to make their “fragrance.” This means it can contain all types of chemicals. And you have no way of knowing what those chemicals are and how they can affect your health.

What’s in Dust?

At this point, you might be thinking it’s simply safer not to dust. As much as I would love to take this household chore off your to-do list, that’s not really an option either.

Related: How to Create an Eco-Friendly Cleaning Routine

Since the majority of dust comes from outside, it can contain all types poisons and allergens you don’t want around your family. In fact, one study found that household dust can contain pollen, lead, arsenic, and the banned pesticide DDT.

How to Make Homemade Dusting Spray

Glass spray bottle of DIY dusting spray

OK, so now we accept that we do need to clean up the dust in our homes for our health. However, we also know that to protect our health we don’t want to reach for that can of dusting spray. So what can we do?

We can make homemade dusting spray that works great and smells good!

Homemade Dusting Spray Ingredients

Homemade Dusting Spray Directions

  1. Combine all the ingredients into the glass spray bottle and give it a gentle shake to mix.
  2. Either spray onto the surface and wipe clean with an organic cotton unpaper towel or spray directly onto the cotton unpaper towel and wipe down the surface.

As always, before trying this homemade dusting spray or any type of new cleaner, test it out in a concealed area before using on the entire surface.

Related: The Best Uses for Castile Soap Around the Home

Are you wondering why I always recommend using cotton unpaper towels for cleaning? Check out this post on the difference between cotton unpaper towels and microfiber cleaning cloths.

Also, if you have wood furniture that needs a little shine, don’t forget to check out our post on how to make natural furniture polish.

DIY Cleaning Product Recipe Cards

Are you like me? I absolutely love using natural cleaning products around my home. But I have an amazingly terrible time at remembering how to make them! That’s why we’ve put together this bundle of natural cleaning recipe cards and labels.

Not only will you get over 25 recipe cards and labels for outstanding DIY cleaning products you can use around the entire home, but you’ll also receive a cheat sheet on natural cleaning ingredients you should never mix and a guide on my favorite essential oil blends.

If you’re looking for a way to make natural cleaning easier than ever, you definitely want to check out this bundle. It’s exactly what you need!

Why Not Use Vinegar?

You’ll notice this DIY dusting spray doesn’t use vinegar. This isn’t because I have anything against using vinegar for natural cleaning. Vinegar can actually clean a surprising number of things around your house.

In fact, I use vinegar for my homemade laminate floor cleaner and my DIY tub and shower cleaner. Actually, the reason I don’t use vinegar in this homemade dusting spray is because vinegar can damage certain wood and stone surfaces.

Since I want to have a dusting spray I can use around my entire house, I made sure to create one that doesn’t require vinegar.

Making Homemade Dusting Spray

Even though dusting isn’t a fun household chore, it’s something we all have to take care of. By following these simple steps, you can make a homemade dusting spray that smells great, works even better, and is safe for your family.

More Eco-Friendly Cleaning Tips

Now that you see how easy it is to make homemade dusting spray, are you interested in making even more natural cleaners that do a great job of cleaning your home while also protecting your family and the environment? Then be sure to check out some of our other popular posts:

Get a FREE copy of our 10 Natural Cleaning Essentials when you subscribe to our newsletter!

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Glass spray bottle labeled dusting spray text overlay Brilliantly Easy Homemade Dusting Spray
Woman wiping table with cloth text overlay How to Make Homemade Dusting Spray
Woman dusting table text overlay How to Make Safe and Non-Toxic Dusting Spray